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Ad Bowl 2024 in Review

April 09, 2024 9:00AM

Ad Bowl 2024
An Event Reflection

By: Noah Polipnick

This year, 周六约有1.23亿人观看了超级碗, 2月11日成为美国自登月以来最受关注的事件. This monumental event brings millions of people together every year for more than just football; it is one of the most spectacular shows of marketing across the globe. 

The week following the Super Bowl, the MN sbf111胜博发 举办了一年一度的广告碗,来自双子城的创意专业人士聚集在一起分享大赛中最好和最独特的广告.  The MN sbf111胜博发 and Colle McVoy 有幸接待了100多名与会者. 

This year, the event featured five amazing panelists, each representing a unique subclass of marketers, and our wonderful host Meghan Figueroa.

  • Meghan Figueroa is the VP Group Creative Director at Colle McVoy.
  • Missy Young is the Associate Director of Social Strategy at Fallon.
  • Tess Nyberg is the Group Creative Director at BBDO MW.
  • Beth McGuire 是UnitedHealthcare的品牌和企业营销副总裁.
  • Dave Fransen 是Exponent PR和Colle McVoy的高级副总裁
  • Neil Goodspeed Carmichael Lynch的首席媒体官兼高级合伙人.

菲格罗亚以每个小组成员最喜欢的游戏广告的循环讨论开场.  她谈到了合作的力量,每个小组成员都把自己的专业知识带到桌面上.  “You don’t always get this many great people together.”  She continued, “在这样一个空间里有这么多不同的人分享他们的想法,真是太棒了.”

Goodspeed said his favorite ads were Reese’s and Dove.  He described the Reese’s as, “chaotic but recognizable.这则广告展示了一群人对瑞茜新产品的消息做出积极反应. 这个广告是有趣和信息的完美结合,使它受到了更广泛的观众的欢迎.  Goodspeed also commented on the Dove ad.  “It’s not marketing a product, but it’s building a brand.”  Dove’s ad was more of a brand-building piece, 强调对年轻女孩体育运动的支持,指出45%的女孩在14岁之前退出体育运动.  这个广告的目的是提高知名度,同时也建立公司的整体品牌形象.  这种双重目的在年轻一代中产生了强烈的共鸣, as data shows 消费者有强烈的动机与既从事良好商业活动又从事慈善活动的公司合作.

McGuire mentioned the Google Pixel ad.  This ad provides a spotlight on Google’s flagship phone, the Google Pixel, and its accessibility functions.  这则广告展示了一个视力受损的人使用Pixel的一项摄像头功能,该功能可以用声音告诉相框里有多少人/物体.  这个广告提供了对个人生活方式的洞察,以及该功能如何提高生活质量.  It is simple, clean, and well-executed, 它积极地描绘了一群不总是被纳入或认可在通用营销努力的个人.

Fransen能够深入了解Colle McVoy在《sbf111胜博发》中的工作.  弗兰森和他的团队与前费城老鹰队球员杰森·凯尔斯(Jason Kelce)合作.  Fransen积极地评价了这次经历,“23天前,他们想出了这个主意.  Jason Kelce signed several days later.”  He continued to speak on the intense nature of the work; 23 days is an ambitious turnaround time, especially for an ad campaign during the Super Bowl.  In the end, Fransen和他的团队成功地实现了他们的愿景, and they couldn’t be happier with the results.

几位小组成员还谈到了他们当晚最有价值的见解.  Nyberg mentioned the importance and relevance of diversity: “It’s always something to work on; we have so much more to improve on.“明确努力创造包容性营销变得越来越重要, and consumers are expecting this to be the standard, not the exception.  杨谈到了她的专业:社交媒体、互动媒体和影响者.  “社交需要成为一切的一部分——从概念到设计——它会让产品变得更好!”  This was also seen in many companies’ strategies.  DoorDash致力于在游戏过程中提供强大的社交推动, 许多观众能够参加现场抽奖,赢得各种各样的奖品. 


  1. Celebrity vs Celery - many ads feature celebrities, 但是有这么多不同的名人在屏幕上闪现, it is important to make it meaningful.  How does the celebrity add value to the message?  Do they provide humor, or perhaps a clever play on words?  A few such examples are State Farm’s ad with Arnold Schwarzenegger and CereVe’s ad with Michael Cera.  根据小组成员的说法,这些短视频给人留下了难忘的印象.
  2. Simple messaging is best!  When it comes to capturing an audience's attention, 营销人员只有几秒钟的时间给顾客留下持久的印象.  Keep your messaging short and sweet.  这有助于确保你的信息清晰且经济有效.
  3. Execution is key to authenticity.  许多小组成员强调,一个好的广告从头到尾都有一个明确的计划.  一个整体的方法和优秀的执行是什么真正设置一个营销作品与众不同.  从一个反映你的品牌信息的创意概念开始,并有一个良好的执行是不能夸大的.  Google had a fan favorite with the Google Pixel ad.  这则广告利用了简单的信息和真实的执行,使其成为游戏中最好的广告之一.

总之,MN sbf111胜博发的广告碗活动取得了巨大的成功. 小组成员能够分享他们对比赛期间展示的大量广告的独特观点和意见. Insights emphasized diversity, social media integration, and the importance of simple, authentic messaging. 共同的主题包括有意义的名人代言的重要性和明确执行的有效性.  最重要的是,当地的营销人员能够联系、学习和共同成长.  今年的超级碗是将想法转化为行动的绝佳机会, and customers into fans.

了解更多成功广告活动的关键策略,并了解新的营销趋势, visit the MN sbf111胜博发 website and consider becoming a member.